Alicia Fernandez
Alicia Fernandez, M.D., is a Professor of Clinical Medicine at UCSF and an attending physician in the General Medical Clinic and the Medical Wards at San Francisco General Hospital. Her research primarily focuses on health and health care disparities, and she is particularly interested in vulnerable populations, Latino health, immigrant health, and language barriers. In addition to her research and clinical practice at San Francisco General Hospital, she does a great deal of mentoring for students, residents, fellows, and faculty. She has received several honors and awards, including the Arnold P. Gold Professorship for Humanism in Medicine. She has served as an advisor to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, The California Endowment, The National Quality Forum, The Commonwealth Fund, The American Medical Association, The American Board of Internal Medicine and other organizations on projects focused on health care disparities, Latino health, and limited English proficiency populations. She was a standing member of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Health Care Quality and Effectiveness study section (2006-2010) and is currently a member of NIH Health Services Organization and Delivery (HSOD) study section.
Dr. Fernandez is a Co-Investigator for the CHARM Training Core. Dr. Fernandez will be advising on curricular design, leading lectures and seminars, and mentoring.